Taking a break from work
Shopping in
Cancun, Mexico
My Job?
I am the Vocational Manager at the Cornerstone
Services, Inc. work center in Joliet IL.
I work with developmentally disabled adults.
When the clients are not working, I teach vocational classes.
My classes include everything, from Finding, Procuring and
Keeping a Job, Work Ethics & Safety, and general Life Skills, ........
to Stress Management, Self Esteem and Advocacy (Speaking Up & Making A Difference!)
In my classes I utilize the talents of the clients (their writing
of poetry and lyrics, singing, drawing, leading and acting) to help reinforce the lessons being taught.
Hey, I love it!!!!!
To help instill these truths, I make videos---starring the clients------with
them teaching and sharing the things that we hope will become a part of their memory and spirit.
I let them be who they want to be & give them the choice
of what part of the lesson they would like to teach in our videos. (They love being 'movie stars')
Check out these great sites........
Cornerstone Services, Inc. provides progressive, comprehensive services for
people with disabilities, promoting choice, dignity and the opportunity to live and work in the community.
Since 1969, Cornerstone Services has been an advocate and provider of residential,
behavioral health, training, employment, and other services for people with disabilities in the Will County, Ill. area.
The agency is a recognized leader in providing community-based support services
that enhance independence.
Cornerstone is fully licensed by local, state, and federal agencies and
is accredited by CARF . . . The Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission. The agency accepts Medicaid and private insurance.
http://illinoisvoices.org/index.htm Illinois Voices is a state-wide
self-advocacy intiative,started in January 2005 and funded by the Illinois Department of Human
Services. Illinois Voices is designed to empower people with developmental and other disabilities
to make their own decisions, stand up for their rights and speak for themselves based on their strengths and desires.

Mission Statement
The mission of Advocates United is to work together for quality life choices for all people with disabilities.
Excellent teaching and training resources!